HI228 Crossword Game!

  1. 3. Chinese park reserved for foreign residents
  2. 5. Second phase of Chinese modern women (1930’s)
  3. 10. Japans 'modern' idea of the ideal women
  4. 11. First President of the Republic of China
  5. 13. Chinese Dress (high neck, tight-fitting dress)
  6. 14. 1930's Shanghai was compared to this European city (the _____ of Asia)
  7. 15. These women represent the ‘positive’ aspects of modernity, nationalistic, political…
  8. 17. The first magazine to come out for women... it kinda flopped (1922)
  9. 18. First phase of Chinese modern women (1920’s)
  1. 1. Famous American jazz trumpeter who moved to China
  2. 2. Author of The Wings
  3. 4. The women magazine (a long suffering) - 1927
  4. 6. hese women represent fears of a modern nation, modernity as a state of danger
  5. 7. Third phase of Chinese modern women (1940’s)
  6. 8. Unique to Japan - this machine has an operator to push the buttons for you
  7. 9. The leader in Japanese department stores
  8. 11. The updated version of the magazine for women (1923)
  9. 12. German brewery taken over by the Chinese
  10. 16. Korean gisaeng who later went on to be a famous painter and calligraphist