High School and Beyond Vocabulary

  1. 5. numerical value assigned to grades out of a 4.0 scale
  2. 6. an official document that shows a list of student's classes and the grades they received
  3. 7. 1st year high school student
  4. 11. helping or working in your community for no pay. A high school graduation requirement
  5. 12. Career Technical Education
  6. 13. a certificate given by a community college to someone who has successfully completed two years of undergraduate education
  7. 14. 3rd year high school student
  8. 15. 4th year high school student
  9. 18. Anything that has to do with learning or education
  10. 20. A two-year college that offers an associate degree
  11. 21. A certificate given by a college or university to someone who has successfully completed their undergraduate education (four years of college)
  12. 22. Activities that are outside of regular school
  13. 23. A certificate or diploma
  1. 1. Starts in the 7th grade and is a record of student interests, goals and personal achievements. A four-year course plan with an individualized personalized pathway that fulfills graduation requirements and aligns with the student’s career and educational goals
  2. 2. not attending school for no good reason
  3. 3. Also called a trade school or a career school. Students to to this school to learn the skills they need to perform a specific job (like auto repair, cooking, welding, etc)
  4. 4. This degree can only be completed by someone who has already earned a bachelor's degree
  5. 8. Higher level courses to challenge students who are interested in achieving at a higher level of rigor, Good for college admissions
  6. 9. A time value of an academic class
  7. 10. the highest level of school where students go to study for a degree
  8. 16. The highest degree give by a university
  9. 17. a regularly scheduled period of time, typically during the school day, when teachers meet with small groups of students for the purpose of advising them on academic, social, or future-planning issues
  10. 19. 2nd year high school student