- 3. Withdraw from one school or class and sign up for another.
- 6. Official school report with a list of your grades in the subjects you studied in high school.
- 7. Document that says you have successfully completed all the requirements to graduate from high school.
- 8. Absent from school without permission.
- 10. Records show that you are doing what is needed to move forward toward graduation.
- 13. Group of people elected to be in charge of the school district.
- 15. Set of rules that tell you what you can wear to school or school event.
- 16. Training program for school employees.
- 17. College-level courses you can take in high school.
- 18. Meet the requirements to participate in sports, music, speech, and other school activities.
- 19. Course that you are required to take before taking a more advanced course. Algebra I is a prerequisite to Algebra II.
- 20. Keep a student out of school for a short period of time for breaking rules.
- 21. Physically abuse, humiliate, or ridicule new students or team members.
- 1. Arrange students from highest to lowest based on their grades or GPA.
- 2. High school course that counts toward college and high school graduation.
- 4. Process students go through to get into college.
- 5. outside of regular school classes.
- 9. Division of school that is related to a subject area. Science department.
- 11. Number of courses, classes, or credits you take each semester or school year.
- 12. Person who manages the school district.
- 14. Program to recognize high school students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
- 18. Remove a student from school for breaking rules.
- 22. Grade Point Average; average grade you earned, figured by dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits.