
  1. 6. the worst male name. i told u once. it still stands.
  2. 7. everyones hates on it, but best music company...
  3. 9. my beloved. my husband.
  4. 10. my bf on the side
  5. 13. the best kpop group ever made but its 4th gen
  6. 16. idol series with the best music
  7. 17. omg! asaos name b4 we named her asao that aged down badly
  1. 1. the name of my gacha series that asao wont let me forget...
  2. 2. babyspices best title track by FAR
  3. 3. my kpop ult bias!! (iz*one)
  4. 4. that one concept every girl group was addicted to in 2020
  5. 5. best seiyuu!
  6. 8. cherry bullet members that knows how to SING (was on gp999)
  7. 11. best group ever kpoppies need to let HER go tho
  8. 12. best number for a kpop lineup
  9. 14. the best kpop group ever made
  10. 15. jyps best group