
  1. 4. what do i not know
  2. 5. what i think you should do!!!!
  3. 6. class i am in right now
  4. 8. remember that one time Frau Richert made us play that game? Its the only word from that i remeber
  5. 12. something this crossword is arguably missing
  6. 13. song i listened to today while walking to class
  7. 14. :(
  8. 16. the reason i am making this
  9. 17. A city in the United States. It is also the name of Avelinas cat
  10. 18. something truly truly horrible
  11. 20. mon cher
  12. 21. Cosplay I actually did (not sure i told you about it though oopsie)
  13. 24. something i flipped this morning
  14. 25. a country with a population between 1 Million and 9.9 Million, with an area between 100.000 and 999.999 sq/km that is either in africa or europe and has three countries bordering it
  15. 26. class im hoping not to fail
  1. 1. What eva got you for your birthday (youre welcome)
  2. 2. something ive been meaning to ask you
  3. 3. Something I do that i definitely going to make this more difficult for me
  4. 7. What I thought the answer to like four questions in your crossword would be
  5. 9. bestie
  6. 10. something that is not in my bookshelf anymore
  7. 11. what are you asking about the person in jewerly lane
  8. 15. bbg
  9. 19. what i want right now
  10. 22. the colour of the chair i am sitting on
  11. 23. slayest elemnt with the number 83 or something like that i dont know chemistry