Hillcrest Star Wars

  1. 2. Rogue Squadron's vehicle of choice
  2. 3. Wookiee Smuggler
  3. 5. home planet of Leia Organa
  4. 8. Creature that saved Luke's life on Hoth
  5. 11. Last name of the Jedi who defeated General Grievous
  6. 13. Species of the pilot who flew the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi
  7. 15. Game of chance
  8. 17. Wookiee Bounty Hunter
  9. 18. home planet of Luke Skywalker
  1. 1. The hand that Luke lost in a fight with Vader
  2. 4. Galactic capital
  3. 6. final rank of Leia Organa Solo
  4. 7. Lost the Millenium Falcon to Han Solo
  5. 9. Luke's last name
  6. 10. creature puppeteered by Frank Oz
  7. 12. Number of planets destroyed by the Death Star
  8. 14. Preferred weapon of Force users
  9. 16. Leia and Luke's father's name