- 2. Rogue Squadron's vehicle of choice
- 3. Wookiee Smuggler
- 5. home planet of Leia Organa
- 8. Creature that saved Luke's life on Hoth
- 11. Last name of the Jedi who defeated General Grievous
- 13. Species of the pilot who flew the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi
- 15. Game of chance
- 17. Wookiee Bounty Hunter
- 18. home planet of Luke Skywalker
- 1. The hand that Luke lost in a fight with Vader
- 4. Galactic capital
- 6. final rank of Leia Organa Solo
- 7. Lost the Millenium Falcon to Han Solo
- 9. Luke's last name
- 10. creature puppeteered by Frank Oz
- 12. Number of planets destroyed by the Death Star
- 14. Preferred weapon of Force users
- 16. Leia and Luke's father's name