Hindu and Buddhist Key Concepts

  1. 2. The Creator of Hindu Religion
  2. 4. Art placed at the entrance of ones house
  3. 6. Buddhist's use this technique to help reach enlightenment
  4. 8. System Hierarchy in the Hindu faith
  5. 10. How many Noble Truths are there
  6. 13. how a person should liver their life
  7. 15. Celebrates the Hindu New Year
  8. 16. Goal of Hindu Life
  9. 18. The Preserver manifestation of Bhrama
  10. 19. Also known as the "Festival of Spring"
  11. 20. Budhist word for impermanence
  12. 22. The Destroyer manifestation of Bhrama
  13. 23. Goal of the buddhist religion is to reach
  1. 1. where Hindu's and Buddhist's practice their religion
  2. 3. Hindu Temple is also knwon as
  3. 5. The _______ Path
  4. 7. Actions having a impacts in the future
  5. 9. A period named after the writings and rituals
  6. 11. another term for "Life is suffering"
  7. 12. Sacred river in Hindu
  8. 14. Belief in one God
  9. 17. A state of perfect happiness
  10. 21. Process of reincarnation