Hindu Symbols

  1. 3. The creator
  2. 5. Protector
  3. 7. is a way of greeting elders
  4. 10. Used in the arti lamp
  5. 11. One of the most important Hindu festivals.
  6. 12. Flower is of great importance in Hinduism. It represents culture and politeness.The flower of lotus is used in some Hindu rituals.
  7. 15. symbol that is said to bring good fortune and prosperity,the 4 Hindu goals in life,4 directions,4 seasons and 4stages of life
  8. 16. part of puja, when a tray of lamps is waved in front of the god's image
  9. 18. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
  10. 19. Good and bad deeds.
  11. 20. the cycle of life
  12. 22. A holy text
  13. 23. Sacred animal to Hindus
  14. 24. It is symbolic of air and also a symbol for the destruction of evil.
  15. 25. is a symbol for sun,fire,light and the removal of darkness.
  1. 1. Helps break free
  2. 2. The holy symbol of Hinduism and is the sound heard naturally in deep meditation, and the best symbol for God.
  3. 4. God in human form.
  4. 6. An important Hindu symbol.It is a symbol for air.
  5. 8. temple
  6. 9. is a vertical sign made by kumkum.
  7. 11. Duty or teachings
  8. 13. The destroyer
  9. 14. a Journey
  10. 17. The supreme being
  11. 18. represents sacrifice and renunciation of materialism.
  12. 21. Brahman is the essential thing living in all creatures