- 2. a ligament that attaches to the ischium to behind the acetabulum and it attaches to the base of the greater trochanter - it prevents excess extension
- 6. strongest and longest bone of the human body
- 7. forms the posteroinferior part of the hip bone
- 8. a triangular arrangement of bone that makes up the very bottom portion of the spine below the sacrum
- 13. the socket of the hip bone, into which the head of the femur fits.
- 16. is the uppermost and largest part of the hip bone
- 17. anteroinferior cartilaginous joint which consists of a fibrocartilaginous interpubic disc
- 19. situated on the proximal and lateral side of the femur, just distal to the hip joint and the neck of the femur.
- 1. a small protuberance of bone that projects from the posterior aspect of the femur, inferomedially at the base of the femoral neck
- 3. ligament is the strongest ligament in the body; it lies on the anterior aspect of the hip joint - it prevents hyperextension
- 4. also known as the sit bones
- 5. is a prominent forward-projection on the upper border of the medial portion of the superior ramus of the pubis
- 9. a ligament that lies anteroinferior to the hip joint - it prevents excess abduction and extension
- 10. shield-shaped bony structure that is located at the base of the lumbar vertebrae and that is connected to the pelvis
- 11. is the most anterior portion of the hip bone and joined by an area of cartilage
- 12. a prominent protection, superior to the greater sciatic notch
- 14. rim of soft cartilage that surround the hip socket.
- 15. the prominence that is the most anterior part of the ilium
- 18. the thick curved upper border of the ilium