Hip and Back

  1. 4. inward twisting of thigh bone
  2. 7. most powerful hip flexor
  3. 8. superior border of the wing of the ilium
  4. 9. longest bone in the body
  5. 11. distance from hip to foot
  6. 13. largest and widest single nerve in the body
  7. 14. laterally located bones of the pelvic girdle
  8. 16. sitting bones
  9. 18. spine located posterior and superior
  10. 19. rotation another name for medial rotation
  11. 22. sciatic nerve runs through this
  12. 29. superior bump on the femur
  13. 31. away from body
  14. 32. spine located anterior and superior
  15. 34. bone displacement from joint
  16. 35. opposite of expansion
  17. 41. fits into acetabulum
  18. 42. located inferiorly on the pelvic girdle, this joint is partly movable
  19. 43. inferior to femoral head
  1. 1. moving towards midline of the body
  2. 2. popping sensation in hip
  3. 3. group of muscles that moves leg towards midline of the body
  4. 5. pear shape muscle in hip
  5. 6. contusion to the ASIS
  6. 10. tissue turns to bone
  7. 11. inferior bump on the femur
  8. 12. where head of femur joins hip
  9. 15. broad, curved bone of the pelvis
  10. 17. laterally turning leg
  11. 20. piece of bone torn off with tendon attached
  12. 21. moving leg towards back
  13. 23. turning or tilting backwards
  14. 24. IT band is attached to this muscle
  15. 25. attachment point between ilium and sacrum
  16. 26. these fused vertebrae attach to the end of the sacrum
  17. 27. moving leg towards head
  18. 28. group of four anterior muscles in thigh
  19. 30. the hole
  20. 33. stabilizes the knee laterally
  21. 36. these two bones are joined by the symphysis pubis
  22. 37. 5 fused vertebrae below the lumbar spine
  23. 38. stress and degeneration of symphysis pubis
  24. 39. large muscle in back that extends back
  25. 40. group of three posterior muscles in thigh