Hiroshima Vocabulary

  1. 4. ruckus, fuss, commotion
  2. 6. ugly/comically distorted figure
  3. 10. Japanese battle cry
  4. 11. kill with fire
  5. 13. a stretcher for carrying sick or wounded people
  6. 14. do what someone wants to help or please them
  7. 16. assist against hardship/distress
  8. 19. chest/cabinet for clothes
  9. 20. building/vault for corpses
  10. 23. city sectioned into areas with one person in charge
  11. 24. discourage action through fear of consequences
  12. 26. raid explosive fire bombing
  13. 28. bad smell/atmosphere
  14. 31. divine like force prevents something
  15. 32. white flower with yellow center that prevents headaches
  16. 33. friendly or enjoyable
  17. 35. something believed to contain good luck or to keep from hard
  18. 36. show interest/care
  1. 1. trench/foxhole
  2. 2. columns/support poles
  3. 3. close to death
  4. 5. fester or form pus
  5. 7. nervous
  6. 8. change mood or behavior suddenly or without reason
  7. 9. house for religious novices
  8. 12. lasting or permanent
  9. 15. produce the desired result
  10. 17. extensive destructive fire
  11. 18. tall grass in marshes and river banks that is a disinfectant
  12. 21. show no interest or care
  13. 22. power of will
  14. 25. mix of salt and fresh water
  15. 27. study/gain info and bring back
  16. 29. disturbing or horrifying because of death or injury
  17. 30. very determined
  18. 34. compares something