Hispanic Heritage Month

  1. 4. countries that speak ________
  2. 6. includes the ______ day of many countries
  3. 8. expanded from a week to a _______
  4. 10. includes Latin America, Caribbean and ______
  5. 11. Driving Prosperity, _____, and Progress in America
  6. 14. starts September _____
  7. 15. country whose Independence Day is 9/18
  8. 16. number of Hispanic countries
  1. 1. started by Lyndon B. _________
  2. 2. refers to people from Latin American countries
  3. 3. ancestry from a spanish-______ country
  4. 5. country whose Independence Day is 9/16
  5. 7. learn something new about Hispanic ______
  6. 9. ends ______ 15th
  7. 12. 62.1 _______ Hispanic Americans
  8. 13. _________ Heritage Month