HIST 112 Midterm Review, part 2

  1. 7. company controlling all other companies in a market
  2. 10. president who ushered in a return to “normalcy” but had many scandals
  3. 12. allowed for widespread land distribution and accelerated the settling of the West
  4. 14. general association of countries to resolved international disputes, US said no
  5. 16. outpouring of African American culture and art
  6. 17. Darwin’s theory of evolution went to court
  7. 18. allowed for a federal income tax
  1. 1. added more muscle to the Monroe doctrine
  2. 2. welcomed all skilled and unskilled workers into their labor union
  3. 3. granted citizenship and equal protection of the laws
  4. 4. lasted roughly ten weeks and resulted in the U.S. gaining overseas territories like the Philippines
  5. 5. no selling or consuming alcohol
  6. 6. this president was all business and claimed: “the business of America is business”
  7. 8. steel tycoon
  8. 9. fear of a vast communist conspiracy in America
  9. 11. women the right to vote
  10. 13. ______ set aside millions of acres of federal wilderness, national parks and monuments, and bird sanctuaries
  11. 15. all black regiment who won the French war cross for valor in action