Hist. Rome- CWS2-3

  1. 4. Hannibal crossed with his elephants
  2. 5. Punic war started by Hannibal's ambition
  3. 8. Carthage was a ____ power
  4. 9. a grand victory parade
  5. 10. the Punic wars made Rome a world ____
  6. 13. tried to reform Roman laws for the Plebs
  7. 14. The Republic was a _____ Age.
  8. 15. had total authority in a time of crisis
  1. 1. Punic war fought over Sicily
  2. 2. Scipio Africanus, the ___ of Africa
  3. 3. Rome's greatest ever foe
  4. 6. "Cartago delenda est."
  5. 7. Rome's enemy
  6. 11. told the senate to reject the peace terms
  7. 12. Scipio Aemilianus fought in the ____ Punic War