Histology Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. exocrine, part of cell breaks off
  2. 6. Involuntary, non-striated muscle
  3. 8. multilayer, tall, rare
  4. 9. not dense tissue
  5. 14. dense, flexible tissue
  6. 15. voluntary, striated muscle
  7. 19. strong, collagen-filled cartilage
  8. 21. one layer of tall epithelial cells
  9. 23. carries signals, can't regenerate
  10. 25. target/break down pathogens in body
  11. 27. building block of bone
  12. 33. carry oxygen throughout the body
  13. 34. blood cells
  14. 35. calcified ground substance, bone
  15. 36. exocrine, cell explodes, oil glands
  1. 2. involuntary, striated muscle
  2. 3. glassy, firm cartilage
  3. 4. builds connective tissue proper
  4. 5. ducts, secretes out of body
  5. 6. one layer of cube shaped epithelium
  6. 7. one layer, looks like two
  7. 10. stretchy, found in bladder
  8. 11. one layer, thin permeable epithelium
  9. 12. strong, sturdy support tissue
  10. 13. protects neurons, can regenerate
  11. 16. multilayer, cubes, glands
  12. 17. immune response cells
  13. 18. exocrine, cells stay intact, sweat
  14. 20. strong, fibers like a rope
  15. 22. strong fibers, different directions
  16. 24. detect foreign substances
  17. 26. multilayer, flat, protection
  18. 28. no ducts, secretes in body
  19. 29. tissue with closely packed fibers
  20. 30. flexible cartilage
  21. 31. fat tissue
  22. 32. building block of cartilage