- 7. clearing agent used for tissues tend to become adulterated
- 10. refers to the complete non-appearance of an organ/ absence of an organ
- 13. process of tumor formation; characterized by continuous proliferation of abnormal cells
- 14. Alcohol fixative used for blood, tissue films and smears
- 15. procedure that it involves getting a tissue sample from a living person to identify the diagnosis
- 17. Can fix and dehydrate tissues at the same time; fix brain tissues for the diagnosis of rabies
- 19. Refers on the manner on how the disease had developed/sequence of events
- 20. refers to the failure of an organ to form an opening; a condition in which an orifice or passage in the body is either close
- 21. process of polishing and sharpening the cutting edge
- 22. due to increase dilatation of blood vessels resulting to an increase in the rate of blood flow in the site of injury
- 23. can act both as dehydrating and clearing agent; tissues tend to ribbon poorly
- 26. method of celloidin infiltration that uses 70% alcohol for storage ; for bones, brain, teeth, whole organs
- 27. routine clearing agent; becomes milky when an incompletely dehydrated tissue is immersed in it
- 28. Increase in tissue or organ size due to an increase in the size of individual cells comprising an organ
- 1. This process make the bone easy for histopathological investigation by producing thin sections using a microtome
- 2. Pre-planned, regular process of cell death occurring in the body where the cell itself actively takes part in its own death
- 3. Regarded as the initial step; most important step in tissue processing
- 4. Fixative that is recommended for enzyme histochemistry and electron microscopy
- 5. the most rapid method (calcium is removed by electricity)
- 6. placing infiltrated tissue in a mold containing the embedding medium which is allowed to solidify
- 8. removal of dehydrating agent from tissues to replaced it with a medium that will dissolve the wax
- 9. Refers to acquired decrease in tissue or organ size
- 10. Automatic tissue processor that can do the first four steps (fixation, dehydration, clearing, infiltration) in tissue process
- 11. microtome knife that has 120mm long- both sides are concave and used to cut paraffin embedded tissues
- 12. a process in which water is entirely removed from the tissues
- 16. involves removal of clearing agent from tissues so that it will be replaced by a medium that will fill all cavities
- 18. the product of embedding, to be used in cutting
- 20. OIL clearing agent recommended for clearing embryos, insects and very delicate specimens
- 24. Due to the release of chemical substances like bradykinin that stimulates nerve endings for pain
- 25. highly flammable and carcinogenic clearing agent, can damage bone marrow leading to Aplastic Anemia