  1. 1. a paraffin wax substitute that is very water soluble
  2. 4. appearance of xylene when tissues are not completeley dehydrated
  3. 5. the angle between the knife presenting to the block and the surface of the block
  4. 8. the angle between the cutting facet and tissue block
  5. 12. cellular adaptation that involves transformation of adult cell type to embryonic cell
  6. 16. the microtome that produces the thickest ribbons
  7. 17. oil, recommended for CNS tissues and cytology (smooth muscles, skin)
  8. 18. type of microtome cuts the sections/ribbons from 7 to 9 microns thin
  9. 19. a semi synthetic form of paraffin used for eye specimens
  10. 20. accentuators; enchance staining
  11. 22. paraffin wax substitute recommended for bonse and brain specimens
  12. 25. type of autopsy that is done in adult cadavers
  13. 26. tissue, ideal fixative that corresponds with Carnoy's fixative
  14. 28. dehydrating agent that is the most suitable for fatty tissues
  15. 29. this type of infiltrating medium is highly explosive (acronym)
  16. 30. wax, a paraffin wax susbtitute with a much lower melting point than paraffin wax
  1. 2. can be replaced by isopropyl alcohol
  2. 3. recommended for urgent biopsies and routine purposes
  3. 6. for hard and tough tissues
  4. 7. bodies, ideal fixative that corresponds with Moller's fixative
  5. 9. an infiltrating agent that is alcohol soluble
  6. 10. will not cause any considerable hardening and shrinkage even in prolonged immersion of the tissue
  7. 11. embedding medium not for fatty tissues
  8. 13. infiltration method recommended for tissues with large and hollow cavities that tends to collapse
  9. 14. tek, plastic embedding rings and base molds
  10. 15. fixative accdg to composition composed of 2 or more fixatives
  11. 21. boats, stored indefinitely blocking mold
  12. 23. duration of fixation: small or loosely textured tissues
  13. 24. duration of fixation: fibrous tissue
  14. 27. mat, a rubberized form of paraffin