  1. 4. Specimen type fixed with 95% ethanol
  2. 5. a nitrocellular compound used for embedding (i. Parloidion) storage blocks held in 80% alcohol. hardened with chloroform. mixed with ether and absolute alcohol to prepare.
  3. 6. Fixative type useful for preserving organelles
  4. 9. celloidin must be
  5. 10. which is not a clearing agent chloroform/ethanol/dioxane/xylene
  6. 13. Compound fixative containing picric acid
  7. 14. Is impacted by fluid type, tissue size and tissue density
  8. 16. destruction or digestion of tissues and cells by the enzymes normally presents in cells
  9. 17. PEL=100 / used as clearing agent in most labs
  10. 18. Fixing agent provides good morphological preservation
  11. 21. most common epoxy transitional fluid
  12. 22. polymerized formaldehyde is known as
  13. 23. 10% formalin is the same as
  1. 1. process by which constituents of cells and tissues are fixed in a chemical so that they will withstand treatment with various reagent with minimum loss or decomposition
  2. 2. Action of acetic acid on tissue
  3. 3. Evidence that fixation was delayed
  4. 5. Fixative type that denatures protein
  5. 7. Most tolerant decalcifying solution
  6. 8. this is an excellent nuclear fixative
  7. 11. This is most frequently used for the fixation of speciman's for electron microscopy as it preserves ultra-struture better than any of the aldehydes. It tends to overharden tissue, so fixation should not be prolonged for more than 2 hours.
  8. 12. other terms for embedding
  9. 14. most popular embedding medium
  10. 15. most commonly used celloidin
  11. 19. polyethylene glycol can be used as embedding medium for
  12. 20. it can cut frozen tissue