  1. 4. screening test for cervical cancer
  2. 6. dehydrating reagent recommended for plant and animal microtechnique
  3. 8. product of paraffin, containing rubber, with the same property as paraplast
  4. 10. process in which water is entirely removed from the tissues
  5. 11. smallest aldehyde fixative
  6. 14. alcohol recommended for routine dehydration of tissues
  7. 15. most common metallic fixative
  8. 19. tissues are first embedded with a supporting medium such as agar or nitrocellulose, then infiltrated a second time with paraffin wax
  9. 25. embedding medium for delicate specimens and frozen tissue sections
  10. 26. an eye and skin irritant, and prolonged exposure may cause conjunctival irritation
  11. 29. causes the complete denaturation of protein
  12. 30. recommended for fixation of embryos, pituitary biopsies and endometrial curettings
  13. 32. failure of an organ to form an opening
  14. 33. tissue sections dehydrated with this reagent tend to ribbon poorly.
  15. 38. father of modern pathology
  16. 39. boat shaped cells with a tendency to fold or curl on edges
  17. 40. process of grinding the cutting edge to have an even edge
  18. 41. mixture of highly purified paraffin and synthetic plastic polymers
  19. 42. the killing, penetration and hardening of tissues
  20. 43. most commonly used infiltrating agent
  21. 46. complete non-appearance of an organ
  22. 47. method wherein tissue is wrapped in gauze bag and placed in a bottle with dioxane and anhydrous calcium oxide or quicklime
  23. 48. normally utilized for embedding celloidin blocks but are equally useful for paraffin wax blocks
  24. 49. best method in determining the end-point of decalcification
  25. 52. clearing agent obtained from a citrus fruit
  26. 53. cellular death which occurs when cells are exposed with extreme conditions
  27. 57. another form of celloidin soluble in equal concentrations of ether and alcohol
  28. 58. a gas produced by the oxidation of methyl alcohol, and is soluble in water to the extent of 37-40% weight in volume
  1. 1. embedding mold consisting of 2 L-shaped strips of heavy brass or metal
  2. 2. embedding mold made up of a series of interlocking plates resting on a flat metal base, forming several compartments
  3. 3. moderate-acting decalcifying agent which produces better nuclear staining with less tissue distortion
  4. 4. study of all the changes that underlie a disease
  5. 5. most common and the fastest decalcifying agent used, utilized both as a simple solution or combined with other reagent
  6. 7. synthetic wax substitute similar to paraplast with a melting point of 56-58°C
  7. 9. recommended for clearing embryos, insects, and other very delicate specimen
  8. 12. its properties are very similar to that of chloroform although it is relatively cheaper
  9. 13. purified form of nitrocellulose that is soluble in alcohol and ether
  10. 14. has a lower melting point (46-48°C), but it is harder than paraffin
  11. 16. most rapid fixative and may be used for urgent biopsy specimens for paraffin processing within 5 hours
  12. 17. removal of calcium ions from a bone or calcified tissue through a histological process that makes them flexible
  13. 18. removal of clearing agent from tissues so that it will be replaced by a tissue medium that will fill all cavity and tissue spaces
  14. 20. acquired decrease in tissue or organ size
  15. 21. hastens the removal of air bubbles and clearing agent from the tissue block, thereby promoting a more rapid wax penetration of the tissue
  16. 22. for cytological studies like smooth muscles of skin and CNS tissues
  17. 23. enzymatic digestion of cells by the action of its own enzymes, and it mostly occurs in dying or dead cells
  18. 24. not recommended as morphological fixative for tissue blocks, mainly because of its shrinkage and poor preservation effects
  19. 27. drying and wrinkling of the anterior chamber of the eye and cornea
  20. 28. father of cytopathology
  21. 31. involves the removal of gross nicks and process of grinding the cutting edge to have an even edge
  22. 34. pre-planned regular process of cell death
  23. 35. routine clearing agent because it is fast acting
  24. 36. polyethylene glycol containing 18 or more carbon atoms, which appears solid at room temperature
  25. 37. process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter
  26. 44. procedure that involves getting tissue from a living person
  27. 45. process of removing paraffin wax from the tissue once properly fixed on a slide
  28. 50. automatic tissue processor that can do fixation dehydration clearing and infiltration
  29. 51. other name of Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
  30. 54. cardinal sign of inflammation due to the release of chemicals like bradykinin that stimulates nerve ending for pain
  31. 55. promote attachment and prevent detachment of ribbons from the slide
  32. 56. substitute for xylene and benzene but not as fast as xylene and benzene