  1. 2. Process of placing the tissue in a precise position
  2. 7. Refractive Index 1.544
  3. 9. staining used to demonstrate living cells
  4. 12. vigorously agitates both specimen and fluid
  5. 15. defective development of a tissue or organ
  6. 16. absence of ear canal
  7. 19. also known as de-alcoholization
  8. 20. is synthetic wax substitute similar to Paraplast
  9. 23. obtained from a citrus fruit
  10. 24. substitute for xylene and benzene
  11. 25. For permanent safekeeping and to facilitate easy handling and storage
  12. 29. To promote attachment, to prevent detachment of ribbons from slide
  13. 30. a polymerized form of formaldehyde
  14. 34. process of polishing and sharpening the cutting edge
  15. 35. a good substitute for propylene oxide.
  16. 38. Due to the increase dilation of blood vessels resulting to the increase of rate blood flow
  17. 40. used to cut tissues into thin slices
  18. 43. a moderate-acting decalcifying agent
  19. 46. Pre-neoplastic Lesion or Atypical Metaplasia
  20. 48. Carried out by adding Calcium carbonate
  21. 49. Not commonly used because it is toxic
  22. 51. involves the removal of gross nicks on the knife edge
  23. 53. suited for urgent biopsies
  24. 54. study of normal tissues
  25. 55. Area of Science that deals with the study of abnormal tissues.
  26. 57. for clearing eyes specimen
  27. 58. will render the tissue brittle and hard, shrinkage & swelling
  28. 59. Specimen coming from a living source
  1. 1. toxic to the liver
  2. 3. Increases the staining power of the dye
  3. 4. recommended for cutting paraffin - embedded sections
  4. 5. Can fix and dehydrate tissues at the same time
  5. 6. a water soluble wax For enzyme histochemistry
  6. 8. Process of applying dyes on the section
  7. 10. Defined as the killing, penetration and hardening of tissues
  8. 11. developed at National Cancer Institute in December 1988
  9. 13. study of disease
  10. 14. staining that uses only one dye
  11. 17. programmed cell death
  13. 21. refractive index of 1.46
  14. 22. Type of autopsy carried out on infants or children
  15. 26. have the advantage in that they may be cut off if the paper does not peel away easily
  16. 27. refractive index of 1.52
  17. 28. Has a very low refractive index and evaporates easily
  18. 31. an excellent dehydrating and clearing agent readily miscible in water
  19. 32. wax the most commonly used infiltrating agent
  20. 33. Specimen coming from a dead source
  21. 36. one of the earliest transition solvents to be used
  22. 37. Largest but with very small nuclei
  23. 39. A substance that serves as link between the dye and the tissue
  24. 41. does not work in formic acid with pH 3 as a decalcifier
  25. 42. transfer of heat to the surface
  26. 44. freezing microtome is invented by
  27. 45. basic unit of life
  28. 47. not a pure paraffin wax
  29. 50. process by which the impregnated tissue is placed into a precisely arranged position in a mold
  30. 52. drying & wrinkling of f the anterior chamber of the eye and cornea
  31. 54. increase in tissue or organ size
  32. 56. the removal of water by evaporation