  1. 2. Under negative atmospheric method inside the oven
  2. 4. Removal of clearing agent from tissues so that it will be replaced by a medium that will fill all cavities and tissue spaces
  3. 8. method in paraffin wax infiltration which uses autotechnicon
  4. 11. With rapid clearing time 30 mins – hours
  5. 14. tissue wrap in gauze bag and placed in a bottle with dioxane and anhydrous calcium oxide or quicklime
  6. 15. ____ ice trays needs to smear inner mold with glycerine to facilitate easy removal of blocks
  7. 19. ____ oil is used for clearing embryos, insects and other very delicate specimens
  8. 22. Traditionally, fixation is carried out at what temperature
  9. 25. Fixatives used to preserve chemical components of tissues
  10. 26. Recommended for fixing chromosome and lymph glands
  11. 29. we embed using paraffin wax
  12. 31. ____ FIXATIVES used for acid mucopolysaccharides and for tissue mucin
  13. 32. can be used as a decalcifying agent and as a tissue softener
  14. 36. for eyes; faint odor and has low evaporation rate; good substitute for cedarwood oil
  15. 37. Fixation ____ refers to the period the tissue is exposed to formalin
  16. 38. Removal of dehydrating agent from tissues to replaced it with a medium that will dissolve the wax with which the tissues is to be impregnated
  17. 40. ____ away molds can produce perfect blocks even without trimming
  18. 41. Gross description is done by
  19. 42. Method in decalcification that is dependent on the supply of electric current
  20. 44. Most common chrome osmium acetic acid fixative, excellent for nuclear structures
  21. 47. a.k.a. mechanical method. Done by pricking, bending the tissue with needle
  22. 48. similar to paraplast; melting point of 56-58 degC
  23. 49. ____ colloidin uses Gilson’s Mixture combination of chloroform and cedarwood oil) for storage
  24. 50. ____ embedding when we infiltrate using celloidin
  25. 51. fast-acting fixative, smallest aldehyde fixative
  26. 53. Fixative that is not absorbed by tissues
  27. 55. Obtained form a citrus fruit
  28. 58. Substitute for xylene and benzene but not as fast
  29. 59. 3 changes of puredioxane followed by 3 changes of paraffin wax, embed the cool in water
  30. 60. dehydrating agent dissolves paraffin
  31. 61. a.k.a. X-ray. Considered as the most realiable/ accurate because it can detect the smallest amount of calcium
  1. 1. With offensive odor, room should be well ventilated
  2. 3. It is used at ice cold temperatures -5 to 4°C
  3. 5. allows the general microscopic study of tissue structures without altering the structural pattern and normal intercellular relationship of tissues
  4. 6. Placing infiltrated tissue in a mold containing the embedding medium which is allowed to solidify
  5. 7. Highly flammable and carcinogenic, can damage bone marrow leading to aplastic anemia
  6. 9. a.k.a. diethylene dioxide
  7. 10. used in routine dehydrationbecause it is fast acting and non toxic
  8. 12. consist of 2 L- shaped strips of heavy brass or metal; prior to use, needs to be assembled; can produce block of different sizes
  9. 13. Recommended for touch preparation
  10. 16. Removal of calcium ions or lime salts from the organic extracellular matrix, calcified collagen and surrounding tissues of bones
  11. 17. Method in fixation in which specimen is subjected to chemical fixatives
  12. 18. ____ Boat is easy to prepare; economical
  13. 20. Examples are Oleum ricini & castor oil
  14. 21. heat and ____ accelerates decalcification
  15. 23. with ____ oil, tissues tend to become adulterated
  16. 24. mixture of highly purified paraffin and synthetic plastic polymers
  17. 27. Defined as the killing, penetration and hardening of tissues.
  18. 28. Includes entering the details of the specimen in a log book
  19. 30. Toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact
  20. 33. method in paraffin wax infiltration which is carried out using oven
  21. 34. Classified both as nuclear and histochemical fixative because it can preserve mucopolysaccharide
  22. 35. used for infiltrating eye specimen
  23. 39. 2.5% solution is for small tissue fragments 4% is for larger tissues less than 4 mm thick
  24. 43. Citric acid citrate buffer: contains ____ as preservative
  25. 45. a.k.a. infiltration
  26. 46. Fixatives that are absorbed by tissues
  27. 52. ____ Colloidin uses 70% alcohol for storage
  28. 54. can be used as ethanol subtitute; (in clearing, substitute for xylene) used in microwave technique
  29. 56. solution that is recommended for fixation of embryos and pituitary biopsies and endometrial cuttings
  30. 57. a water soluble wax for enzyme histochemistry; no longer require dehydration and clearing.