Historical Astronomy

  1. 1. the sun is in the center of the solar system
  2. 3. used a telescope to discover many things including the phases of Venus
  3. 4. theory that the universe began as a singularity rapidly expanding
  4. 7. came up with the 3 laws of planetary motion
  5. 8. determined by the moon's orbit around the Earth
  6. 9. astronomer who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system
  7. 11. as the universe expands, galaxies move ______ apart from each other
  8. 12. described gravity and inertia
  9. 13. determined by a planet's rotation on its axis
  1. 2. planets orbit in this shape
  2. 4. the universe is 13.7 __________ years old
  3. 5. earth is the the center of the solar system
  4. 6. determine by a planet's revolution around the Sun
  5. 10. astronomer who proposed the geocentric model of the solar system