Historical Astronomy Timeline Review

  1. 4. a circular path that planets follow to demonstrate retrograde motion in Ptolemy's geocentric model
  2. 5. discovered galaxies outside the milky way and expansion of the universe
  3. 9. the concept that the earth is the center of the universe
  4. 11. the planet in our solar system that is moving the fastest
  5. 12. credited with three laws that explain the orbits of planets
  6. 14. closest point of approach to the sun in a planet's orbit
  7. 17. the apparent "backwards" movement of a planet with respect to background stars
  1. 1. philospher who's work Almagest catalogued the constellations known to ancient greeks and proposed a mathematical model of geocentrism that was accepted for nearly 1500 years
  2. 2. farthest point of approach to the sun in a planets orbit
  3. 3. a man known for using his telescope to make many discovered about our solar system
  4. 5. the concept that the sun is the center of the solar system and planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun
  5. 6. discovered a nova or "new star" by carefully recording positions of objects including planets from his island tower observatory
  6. 7. the attractive force that holds the universe together
  7. 8. the planet moving the slowest (hint- kepler's 3rd law)
  8. 10. the shape of planetary orbits proposed in Kepler's first law of motion
  9. 13. the man given credit for proposing the heliocentric model to "western" culture
  10. 15. credited with the Three Laws of Motion and Universal Gravitation providing understanding of how planets orbit the sun
  11. 16. the path a planet takes around the sun