Historical Era

  1. 3. Man made waterway
  2. 6. 9th US president
  3. 10. 3rd US president
  4. 12. Machine invented by Eli Whitney to remove cotton seeds
  5. 14. 11th US president
  6. 15. 16th US president
  7. 18. Legally cancel
  8. 19. 2nd US president
  9. 20. Moving from one country to another
  1. 1. Steam powered ship
  2. 2. 1st US president
  3. 4. 7th US president
  4. 5. 4th US president
  5. 7. 6th US president
  6. 8. Putting region above country
  7. 9. 10th US president
  8. 11. Cars powered by steam
  9. 13. 5th US president
  10. 16. Refusal to buy certain goods
  11. 17. 12th US president