Historical Geology (GEOL102) - Exam 2 Review Crossword

  1. 3. Type of fossil useful in relative dating methods
  2. 6. An unconformity that sits between a layer of igneous/metamorphic rock and a layer of sedimentary rock
  3. 8. Texture of sedimentary rocks formed by preexisting particles
  4. 12. Type of radioactive decay where the atomic number increases by one
  5. 16. Type of fossil that containing actual remains of a once-living being
  6. 17. The process of matching up geologic features across a distance
  7. 18. The principle that states older rocks are found at the bottom of a geologic structure, with younger layers at the top
  8. 19. Proposed the principle of fossil succession, last name
  1. 1. Lithification of sedimentary rocks where minerals fill in pore spaces
  2. 2. One of two causes of sea level rise, process describing the movement of continents
  3. 4. Dating method that uses numerical ages to put geologic events in order
  4. 5. Founder of geology, proposed the principle of uniformitarianism, last name
  5. 7. An unconformity that sits between two layers of sedimentary rocks
  6. 9. Type of radioactive decay where two protons and two neutrons are lost
  7. 10. One of two causes of sea level rise, frozen bodies of ice
  8. 11. Dating method that puts geologic events and materials in order based on the position in the rock record
  9. 13. Description of sedimentary rocks when all particles are of different sizes (2 words)
  10. 14. One of two principles NOT proposed by Nicolas Steno
  11. 15. Period of sea level rise, covering a continental interior