- 1. someone that works with stone or brick (English)
- 2. another name for a blacksmith
- 7. someone who weaved (English)
- 8. worked on wool to clean it (English)
- 9. a person that grinds grains (English)
- 10. someone that kept sheep (English)
- 12. a person who made arrows (English)
- 15. a person who made wooden barrels (English)
- 16. transporter of goods (french)
- 19. a person who played the harp (French)
- 20. a builder or craftsperson (English)
- 21. a book keeper (Scottish)
- 1. a person that made money or coins (English)
- 3. a soldier of the people (Church, English)
- 4. Person who made ale (English)
- 5. a cloth maker (English)
- 6. An archer (Scottish)
- 11. someone who dyed cloth (English)
- 13. Carved wood (English)
- 14. a person that was a gate keeper (English)
- 17. a metal worker (English)
- 18. a shop owner (German)