Historical Narratives Vocabulary

  1. 2. The struggle between opposing forces or characters that drive the plot, often influenced by the historical setting and events.
  2. 3. Source A source that analyzes or interprets historical events based on primary sources, such as textbooks or biographies.
  3. 6. The reasons behind a character’s actions and decisions, often shaped by the historical setting and events.
  4. 8. A distinct period of time in history characterized by particular events, people, or conditions.
  5. 10. Influence The impact of societal values, beliefs, and customs on characters and events within a historical narrative.
  6. 11. Source An original document or source from the time period being studied, such as letters, diaries, or photographs.
  7. 12. The mood or feeling created by the setting and details in a historical narrative.
  8. 13. The degree to which a historical narrative accurately represents the time period, setting, and characters.
  9. 14. The central idea or underlying message conveyed by a historical narrative, such as resilience, injustice, or change.
  1. 1. A particular way of viewing and understanding historical events based on personal or cultural viewpoints.
  2. 2. The background information surrounding an event or character that helps explain its meaning and significance.
  3. 4. The spoken exchanges between characters in a historical narrative that reflect the language and culture of the time period.
  4. 5. A character or force in a story that opposes the protagonist, often reflecting historical conflicts or societal issues.
  5. 7. The arrangement of events in the order they occurred in time.
  6. 9. The main character in a narrative, often facing challenges or conflicts shaped by the historical setting.