Historical Writing

  1. 3. by others.
  2. 5. knowledge
  3. 7. assume that the reader has limited knowledge of the
  4. 8. evidence and reasoning.
  5. 12. that your ideas are written clearly and are easily
  6. 14. middle section that contains one
  7. 15. writers show their bias, they describe something
  8. 16. to a subject, task, or topic of study.
  1. 1. instead of describing it fairly and letting the readers decide.
  2. 2. so explain all ideas completely and clearly.
  3. 4. who might read your essay. You
  4. 6. a topic or situation.
  5. 8. vocabulary
  6. 9. because they like it, or negatively because they dislike
  7. 10. more paragraphs; it provides support for the claim with
  8. 11. words and phrases that are
  9. 13. others might disagree with.
  10. 17. the information that is needed to