
  1. 5. secret meeting with Bolivar in 1822
  2. 7. sold France’s territory
  3. 10. Creole priesT
  4. 11. Descendants fighting against their own
  5. 14. Latin America colonized European
  6. 15. feudal labor system
  7. 16. No trades with Haiti happened
  8. 17. Creole military officer
  9. 18. Lead Haitian Army again Napoleon army
  10. 19. largest tropical rainforest
  1. 1. group of people who see themselves
  2. 2. Enslaved people overthrow government
  3. 3. Creole aristocrat
  4. 4. Imperialist Economic System
  5. 6. White people with peninsular parents
  6. 8. Congress of Vienna re United Italy
  7. 9. A educated slave who became a leader
  8. 10. Where was the French colony located
  9. 12. Movement carrying bright ideas
  10. 13. speak Spanish or Portuguese