
  1. 1. William and Mary College is founded
  2. 2. French and Indian War begins
  3. 4. Ben Franklin proposes Albany Plan of Union
  4. 5. Bacons Rebellion
  5. 6. New England troops seize Fort Louisbourg from France
  6. 8. Tokugawa Shogunate emerges in Japan
  7. 9. First navigational act regulates colonial trade
  8. 11. George Washington becomes president
  9. 14. New York's population
  10. 16. produced just enough for the family
  11. 17. Harvard College established
  1. 1. Great Awakening sweeps through colonies
  2. 2. British Forces capture Quebec
  3. 3. Galileo observes planets and stars
  4. 4. Qing Dynasty established in China
  5. 6. Georgia and South Carolina have the fastest growing economies
  6. 7. routes that form a triangle
  7. 8. French forces driven out of Fort Duquesne
  8. 10. Iroquois Confederacy formed
  9. 11. enslaved africans brought to america
  10. 12. Variety
  11. 13. crops that could be sold easily
  12. 14. Proclamation of 1763 established
  13. 15. Ben Franklin published Poor Richard's Almanac