
  1. 2. place where women were cast away at an abolitionist meeting
  2. 4. escaped slave who came back as a conducter
  3. 7. rooms in a set of apartments
  4. 11. middle of social hierarchy
  5. 12. supported mentally ill people as a nurse
  6. 13. one of the three major leaders of abolition
  7. 16. implied to be known
  8. 17. supported women's rights
  9. 18. politician who supported education
  10. 20. an idea that does not fully exist
  1. 1. Passage that led slaves to freedom
  2. 3. opposed immigration
  3. 5. supported transcendentalism
  4. 6. fund every school in communities with public money
  5. 8. was an abolitionist
  6. 9. leader of the abolition movement
  7. 10. abolish something (slavery)
  8. 14. personal knowledge of god
  9. 15. escaped slave who fought for slavery to be finished
  10. 19. battled for women's rights