
  1. 1. John Adams used this technique to avoid war
  2. 4. proposed National Bank
  3. 6. U.S. capital
  4. 8. Mrs. Cravens history crush
  5. 11. general in French and Indian War
  6. 12. 2nd american revolution
  7. 15. James Madison's wife
  8. 18. journeyed with (and helped) Lewis and Clark on their journey (start:sac...End:wea)
  9. 19. Father of Constitution
  10. 21. G.Washington's secretary of war
  1. 2. double size of U.S.
  2. 3. a lead cause to 1812 war
  3. 5. made expedition across america
  4. 7. favored small government
  5. 9. industrial favoring party
  6. 10. J.Madison wrote against alien and sedition acts
  7. 13. America's written law or principles for the future government (Thomas Jefferson wrote it)
  8. 14. first peaceful transition of power from one person to another
  9. 16. Key Wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"
  10. 17. saved Corps of Discovery (nez...)
  11. 20. Native Americans