
  1. 2. an explorer who was the first to circumnavigate the world
  2. 5. towns
  3. 10. civilization along the niger river
  4. 12. religious communities
  5. 15. to sail around the whole world
  6. 17. coast of west africa that was rich in gold
  7. 18. religious building
  8. 21. large estate
  9. 23. a trading empire in west africa
  10. 24. crops,gold,clothing, and precious stones given to rulers
  11. 25. an instrument to measure the position of the stars
  1. 1. small ship that sails fast
  2. 3. the right to demand taxes or labor
  3. 4. greek and roman works
  4. 6. fort
  5. 7. a powerful kingdom in a desert in northern africa
  6. 8. narrow sea passage
  7. 9. a journey to a holy place
  8. 11. passage a more direct water route through the americas
  9. 13. the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  10. 14. exchange exchange of plants, animals and diseases
  11. 16. explorers
  12. 19. runners of the woods
  13. 20. wealth acquired by gold and silver
  14. 22. of demarcation an imaginary line to separate trade