
  1. 4. has an impressive coastlineā€¦ about 16,000 kilometers.
  2. 7. a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
  3. 8. is one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived and the first genuine scientist in history.
  4. 9. was a Roman general and politician who named himself dictator of the Roman Empire
  5. 10. like a ruler but is more well known.
  6. 13. (turn into the guardians): They are the wisest of people and brains that keep the city rolling by the decision-makers.
  7. 15. someone who shows the way.
  8. 16. Someone who learns new things.
  9. 17. he died of hemlock poisoning
  10. 18. A type of posion.
  11. 19. is the Capital city of Italy
  12. 20. is kind of like an answer for something you did.
  1. 1. exercises control over territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples through formal annexations or various forms of informal domination.
  2. 2. showing an interest in learning new things.
  3. 3. someone who fights in the war.
  4. 5. they are the average people- they produce everything from the necessities to the luxuries.
  5. 6. have no wealth no private property and no family, they are tasked with keeping the city safe and peaceful.
  6. 11. was a philosopher during the 5th century BCE.
  7. 12. someone who guides you and helps you learn new things.
  8. 14. Is the Oldest Language In the World That's Still Used.