
  1. 5. Act - law that officially enforced the amendment.
  2. 6. Amendment - took away the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcohol anywhere in the United States
  3. 9. Plan - U.S arranged loans to germany and got arrested.
  4. 11. - Investors were gambling, often with money they did not even have, on stock increases to turn quick profits.
  5. 13. - banning of alc oholic use.
  6. 14. Dome Scandal - The scandal involved Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall. In 1921, Fall arranged to transfer oil reserves in Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming, from the Navy Department to the Interior Department.
  7. 15. Pact - another attempt to prevent war.
  8. 18. - musicians creatively recombine different forms of music, including African American blues and ragtime, and European-based popular music.
  9. 19. Hughes - most powerful African American literary voice of his time.
  1. 1. - sold illegal alcohol to consumers. In cities, secret drinking establishments, known as speakeasies, attracted eager customers.
  2. 2. Smith - the “Empress of the Blues.”
  3. 3. Neale Hurston - another powerful voice.
  4. 4. Hoover - an accomplishment servent
  5. 7. Harlem Renaissance - helped give a new vocabulary and dynamic to race relations in the United States.
  6. 8. Naval Disarmament Conference -raised hopes that they could solve disagreement without starting a war.
  7. 10. Armstrong - unofficial ambassador of jazz.
  8. 12. Mckay - most militant of these writers.
  9. 15. Klux Klan - promotes hatred for African americans
  10. 16. Tuesday - More than 16 million shares were sold as the stock market collapsed in the Great Crash.
  11. 17. Garvey - Born in Jamaica, Garvey traveled widely before immigrating to Harlem in 1916. From his travels, Garvey drew one important conclusion: Everywhere blacks were exploited. To combat the problem, he promoted the idea of universal black nationalism and organized a “Back to Africa” movement.