
  1. 7. Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and focused on a slave named Toms struggles.
  2. 8. First antislavery newspaper written and published by Fredrick Douglass
  3. 10. Free black who went to a free state and sued for his freedom went to supreme court and they ruled him property
  4. 11. Constitutional Unions candidate for president in 1860 wanted to save the union and compromise on slavery
  5. 12. president-wanted to preserve the union and started and ended the Civil War and wanted to end slavery
  6. 13. network of routes and safe houses in the early to mid-19th century, used by enslaved slaves to escape to the free states.
  7. 14. Escaped slave who went back and saved over 300 more slaves via the Underground Railroad
  8. 15. Proslavery from North-leader of proslavery movement thought blacks were inferior to whites and when free caused trouble. Wrote a proslavery book
  9. 17. Proposed the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850
  10. 19. Senator from Kentucky who made the last effort to save the union
  11. 20. Wrote the liberator and spoke out.
  1. 1. Mississippi Senator who was president of the Confederacy when states seceded
  2. 2. Pro-Slavery came up with nullification and had 1st idea to secede
  3. 3. Wanted to save the union more than anything-would compromise slavery antislavery
  4. 4. gave up everything to help the slaves raid Harper's Ferry arrested and killed
  5. 5. Wrote Uncle Toms's Cabin
  6. 6. 2 southern ladies who saw the evils of slavery and left the north-spoke antislavery and pro-women
  7. 9. This legislation admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non slave state at the same time
  8. 16. Escaped slave who spoke and wrote the North Star
  9. 18. Proposed the Kansas-Nebraska act