
  1. 3. Supreme authority
  2. 4. Morals are based on how you are raised
  3. 5. Can't be taken away
  4. 7. All knowledge comes from experience
  5. 11. Swiss philosopher, writer, and composer
  6. 13. right given to people from their birth
  7. 14. Focus on single people instead of a group
  8. 15. English philosopher and physician
  9. 17. Scottish economist and philospoher
  10. 19. A state of chaos due to lack of governing
  11. 20. French judge, historian, + philosopher
  1. 1. Humans should decide based on reason
  2. 2. Humans beliefs are set from birth
  3. 6. A big scary sea monster
  4. 8. Absolute power and sovereignty
  5. 9. Society thought of as a group
  6. 10. Kings get their power from god
  7. 12. A style of architecture and music
  8. 16. Permission for something to happen
  9. 18. Leaders reform based on the enlightenment
  10. 20. States should accumulate wealth