
  1. 8. the total value of all goods and services a country produces during a year
  2. 10. when a single company controls an entire market
  3. 11. organization owned by multiple people but treated by law as if it were a person
  4. 13. Bought out Andrew Carnegie | Made first billion dollar company
  5. 14. government doesn't interfere in the economy
  6. 15. prevents workers from entering company property and refuses to pay them
  7. 16. people who risk their money to run a business
  8. 17. the cost of manufacturing is decreased by producing goods quickly in large quantities
  9. 19. legal arrangement that allows one person to manage another person’s property
  10. 21. unites all workers in a particular industry
  1. 1. people who give money to companies in order to make more money later
  2. 2. an event where a third party helps workers and employers reach an agreement
  3. 3. doesn’t produce anything | owns stock of companies that produce goods
  4. 4. began in 1862, offered land to whoever built it
  5. 5. rise in the value of money
  6. 6. government issued grant that gives someone land
  7. 7. worked in steel, produced strong and cheap steel
  8. 9. did insider trading, manipulated stock prices
  9. 12. the company can only hire union workers
  10. 18. an order issued to prevent boycotts, strikes, etc
  11. 20. linked together/connected