
  1. 2. Telegraph sent from Germany to their ambassador in Mexico City that offered an alliance between the Central Powers and Mexico if they invaded the U.S.
  2. 3. Law passed by Congress May 18th, 1917 that instructed for the drafting of men ages 21-30.
  3. 5. President Wilson established the Committee of Public Information to influence public opinion about the war using...
  4. 7. Had to change his last name to enlist in the draft and became the first person of Mexican descent to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by the U.S. army after his death in France.
  5. 8. Law approved by Congress that gave the president authority to manage the countries supplies of food and fuels.
  6. 14. Secretary of State who said "...inconsistent with the true spirit of neutrality." in response to America's involvement in aiding France and Great Britain.
  7. 17. The line of fighting in northern France and Belgium.
  8. 18. New York attorney who published The Passing of a Great Race, that claimed breeding with African Americans and European immigrants was "race suicide".
  9. 21. Hellish, nightmarish land warfare involving digging zigzagging trenches.
  10. 22. Woodrow Wilson's proposal to the Allied Powers to secure peace after the war.
  11. 23. Humiliating peace agreement between Russia and Germany that forced Lenin to give territories to Germany and Turkey and recognize Ukraine's independence.
  12. 24. German submarines.
  13. 25. Despite claiming neutrality, this president sent financial assistance and military supplies to Allied Powers, Great Britain and France.
  1. 1. He worked alongside Theodore Roosevelt to create the National Security League to convince Congress to prepare for war.
  2. 4. Played a crucial role in the war effort and held jobs for the first time that were usually occupied by men.
  3. 6. The Immigration Act of 1917 became this much more restrictive law breed out of paranoia about disloyalty and racism.
  4. 9. The first woman elected to the House of Representatives who had doubts about the U.S entering the Great War.
  5. 10. The "spark" that started the war was the assassination of Archduke...
  6. 11. Russian movement in which the Russian Empire and monarchy were overthrown, a civil war erupted between Vladimir Lenin's army, and the country was completely taken over by Communism.
  7. 12. WWI European military alliance made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey (Ottoman Empire).
  8. 13. Former president Theodore Roosevelt, called for Woodrow Wilson to declare war after a German U-boat sunk this British luxury liner, killing 128 Americans.
  9. 14. Wage workers who were members of the radical Industrial Workers of the World who supported battle between labor and management.
  10. 15. The "_____ ___" was a conflict that plagued all of Europe and lasted from 1914-1919 (later named World War I).
  11. 16. During the _____ _________ some 1.6 million African Americans moved to the cities for better job opputunities.
  12. 19. 8 were killed and 2 Americans were injured in the U-boat sinking of this French passenger ferry.
  13. 20. WWI European military alliance made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia.