
  1. 2. to preclude european intervention
  2. 5. achived independence in spain and was the first president of the new republic
  3. 9. self governing
  4. 10. uprising against foreigners in china
  5. 13. president of mexico
  6. 14. mexican revolutionary
  7. 18. navy flag officer
  8. 21. usa lending money to foreign countries
  9. 24. when a country can govern itself
  1. 1. Commodore of the U.S. Navy who compelled the opening of Japan to world trade in 1854, by forcing on the Japanese shogunate the treaty of Kanagawa
  2. 3. a style of news paper
  3. 4. made a government in puerto rico
  4. 6. principles initiated by the usa in 1899
  5. 7. they tried to strengthen peace
  6. 8. the last sovereign of hawaii
  7. 11. news paper editor
  8. 12. us news publisher
  9. 15. support for subban independence in the us
  10. 16. the quality
  11. 17. special region
  12. 19. the principle or advocacy of political or commercial and cultural cooperation among all the countries of North and South America
  13. 20. constructed waterway
  14. 22. a treaty between USA and cuba
  15. 23. military fighting force