
  1. 3. Post-war rebuilding period.
  2. 4. Sites of major conflicts.
  3. 7. Bloodiest single-day battle.
  4. 9. Notable Confederate general
  5. 11. Union general and later President.
  6. 14. Escape route for slaves.
  7. 15. Pivotal battle in Pennsylvania.
  8. 16. Compulsory military service.
  9. 18. Abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor.
  10. 19. 16th President during the war.
  11. 20. Fought to preserve the United States.
  1. 1. Freed enslaved individuals.
  2. 2. Surrender site for Lee.
  3. 5. Root cause of the conflict.
  4. 6. First shots fired location.
  5. 8. Warships with iron plates.
  6. 10. Notable Civil War nurse.
  7. 12. Southern states' withdrawal.
  8. 13. Southern states that seceded.
  9. 17. Skilled Confederate general.