History Alive Chapter 1 Land forms

  1. 5. Land that is mostly flat, with few trees
  2. 7. usually have steep sides and rise at least 2,000 feet above sea level
  3. 8. North and South Dakota are primarily this land form
  4. 12. Largest River in the united States
  5. 13. Country located to the north of the United States
  6. 16. Runs East and West
  7. 18. formed when soil is deposited at the mouth of a river
  8. 20. Ocean located to the west of the United States
  9. 21. The planet you live on
  10. 22. number of continents on Earth
  11. 24. Masses of land, such as continents, islands, and peninsulas
  1. 1. Land form that is surrounded by water on 3 sides
  2. 2. Runs North and South
  3. 3. Body of salt water that jets in land
  4. 4. an instrument for finding directions
  5. 6. small body of fresh water that is located in land
  6. 9. state that is not part of the continental United States
  7. 10. the globe is divided into north, south, east and west _________
  8. 11. Land surrounded by water
  9. 14. greek word that means "writing about"
  10. 15. Line that runs East and West at the middle of Earth
  11. 17. small stream that feeds into a river
  12. 19. key to reading a map
  13. 23. Continent located to the west of Asia