History Chapter 5 Review - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. a revolutionary who lead the Cuban revolution in order to overthrow Batista's regime
  2. 6. a type of warfare which was used by the North Vietnamese troops to gain an advantage on US troops
  3. 9. a program led by Kennedy to relocate locals to new villages controlled by the South, but failed
  4. 10. the North Korean leader, who ruled North Korea from 1949-66 and started the Kim dynasty
  5. 12. the US general involved in WW2 and the Korean War, where he was letter forced to step down
  6. 13. leader of the North Vietnamese government from 1945-69. Fought for Vietnam's independence and union
  7. 15. the US president who was assassinated and was in power from 1961 to 1963
  8. 18. the incident in 1964, which brings the US into the Vietnam war after two warships were attacked by North Vietnam in international waters
  9. 21. a theory which said that if one country was to fall to communism, then the neighbouring countries would follow. The US very strongly believed in this
  10. 24. the leader of the South Vietnamese government during the Vietnam war and was ousted by a coup in November 1963
  11. 25. leader of the Soviet Union who was involved in the Berlin Blockade, Korean War, WW2.
  12. 26. acronym for united nations organisation. Significant involvement in the Korean war
  13. 28. president of America, who was much more involved in the Vietnam war by sending more troops, military, advisors, etc. President from 1963-69.
  1. 1. the parallel on which North and South Korea are split on. The border lies here. Fighting took place here in the Korean war.
  2. 3. president of the US from 1953-61, with slight involvement in the Vietnam war
  3. 4. the leader of Cuba before the Cuban Revolution where he was replace by Castro
  4. 5. the leader of the South Korean government during the Korean war. Served as president from 1948-60
  5. 7. a plan, backed up by the CIA, to overthrow Castro's regime which failed quite miserably and embarrassed the US
  6. 8. the Soviet leader who together with a US president managed to come to an agreement in the last minute surrounding the Cuban missile crisis
  7. 11. the National Liberation front of Vietnam which fought against South Vietnam and the US
  8. 12. leader of the Chinese Communist party from 1949 to 1976
  9. 14. an elaborate, detailed tunnel system, which the North Vietnamese used to gain an edge on the US army. Used for housing, transporting supplies, etc.
  10. 16. conscription of soldiers in the US for the army during the Vietnam war
  11. 17. a method used by the US military to prevent any more missiles from arriving at Cuba
  12. 19. how many hundred thousand troops were in Vietnam at its height
  13. 20. US government institution, which gathers and analyses foreign national security information. Largely involved in the Bay of Pigs
  14. 22. ban on sales, trading, imports by one on a particular country. What the US did to Cuba after the Cuban revolution
  15. 23. an organisation founded and led by Ho Chi Minh, which fought against the French army. Later developed in the People's army of Vietnam
  16. 27. the American president which ended the Vietnam war and was involved in the "Watergate" scandal. In power from 1969-74