history crossword

  1. 3. Groups of framers who pooled their money to make large purchases of tools, seeds, and other supplies at discounts
  2. 5. Mexican cowboy
  3. 8. the region dominated by the cattle industry and its ranches, trails and cow towns
  4. 9. cattle drives from Texas to railway towns in Kansas
  5. 12. settlers who acquired free land from the govt
  6. 13. Plains farmers who used steel plows and drills
  7. 14. A political party that pushed for reforms (social & economic), demanded public ownership of RRs, and generally supported the interest of farmers and workers
  8. 15. used to harvest crops
  9. 16. Candidate for president in 1896 who represented the interests of big business and bankers
  10. 17. towns in Kansas where cattle were driven to and loaded onto trains for transport, usually back east
  11. 18. Early settlers of the OK land rush of 1889
  1. 1. used to take the coverings off the grain
  2. 2. A law passed by Congress in 1862 offering 160-acre plots of land to anyone who resided on the land for 5 years, worked the land, and built a home.
  3. 4. formed in late 1870's, helped farmers establish farm cooperatives, they pooled their money together to make larger purchase of tools and seed
  4. 6. untended land where cattle were left to graze
  5. 7. African American settlers (70,000) who migrated from the south to the Great Plains, especially Kansas. Many became farmers.
  6. 10. Groups of farmers who met and supported one another
  7. 11. Candidate for president in 1896 who represented the interests of famers and workers
  8. 13. invented by John Deere, it was good for breaking up the tough sod