History Crossword By Habiba Elazhary

  1. 3. It is the bond between nations around the world to provide and manufacture goods that grew stronger after the Second World War as technology and transportation of goods advanced.
  2. 6. A French phrase used in the 1960s by Quebec to standardize rates across the province, ensure economic benefits for the Québec economic system through a purchasing policy, and make French the only language in the workforce.
  3. 8. It mandated men during the first and second world wars to participate in the military. It divided English-speaking Canadians, who strongly supported it, and French-speaking Canadians, who did not.
  4. 9. The country where the crisis of the Suez canal, a precious flowing river that controls two-thirds of Europe's oil consumption, occurred. Israeli troops tried to take over the Suez canal, followed by the French, and British, but withdrew their troops after a year.
  5. 11. During this time, women were obligated to aid the homefront by consuming less resources when cooking and doing patriot actions to aid war effort. Women sufferagist movements started after this event has started. However, the advocation for women’s rights has increased throughout it. Some men who couldn’t serve due to health and age restrictions, felt emasculated and embarrassed.
  6. 12. A weapon designed by scientists such as Albert Einstein and others to destroy countries and kill people. The goal of this creation was for the United States to drop it on Hiroshima.
  7. 18. It is a profit-seeking economic system in which individuals own and control property according to their own interests, and demand and supply freely set market prices in ways that benefit society.
  8. 21. A German leader designed specialized concentration camps to execute European Jews and commited suicide when he knew that Germany was obligated to surrender.
  9. 22. A capital city that was shared among four allied countries after the Second World War. A separating wall was built in this city where it separated East and West Berlin.
  10. 23. As a result of attacking Pearl Harbor to cut off China’s support of the USA, what was the first Japanese city to experience death and extreme property damage?
  11. 26. Poverty that rose after the crash of the stock market in North America. During this era, government relief prioritized families and married men.
  12. 28. A small community in Halifax that was populated with black individuals which was later destroyed by the government.
  13. 29. A competition between the USA and the USSR to become the first nation to have the most technological advances and fly to space to gain more dominance.
  1. 1. A generation that has the largest popuation (currently) as they were born after the Second World War due to Canada’s economy’s stability, growth and improvement.
  2. 2. Specialized German bombs and munitions that attacked Ypres, France and Britain to intentionally cause gas poisoning, skin burns, and, eventually, death.
  3. 4. Due to the fear of nuclear war, the USA the Soviets made and claimed to have nuclear weapons which delayed the war.
  4. 5. Enforced laws that banned the consumption of alcohol specifically bootleg during the 1920s in Canada. (However, it did not prevent individuals from consuming alcohol as bootleggers continued selling bootleg.)
  5. 7. A peaceful secret pact that was signed during the Second World War between Germany and the USSR to become allies and share Poland.
  6. 10. Its support grew after the Parti Quebecois was formed and its aim was to gain sovereignty and become an independent nation, away from the .
  7. 13. A home city to many religious places in Palestine such as Al- Aqsa Mosque and the Wailing Wall.
  8. 14. It is a law that allows its prime minister/president to implement laws to provide security and order in case of a war insurrection. Pierre Trudeau used this to detain French Quebecois in suspicion of being a part of the FLQ.
  9. 15. It followed the Cold War and it is designed to make people happier through buying products. Many suburbs, cars, and other products were built in this period to gain money and construct new establishments.
  10. 16. A common job during the Second World War which allowed an individual to work from a different country (enemy’s country). This job required one to acquire various languages and accents.
  11. 17. A Canadian thing that continuously changed ten times since the start of the Cold War.
  12. 19. A terrorist organization that planted bombs in Quebec after the Quiet Revolution as an expression of their aggression towards the anglophone Quebeckers.
  13. 20. American and Soviet forces fought to gain control and dominance where there weren’t direct battles.
  14. 21. Adolf Hitler created this event that caused a mass genocide of a specific religious group (Jews) during the Second World War in Europe and was called “the final solution”.
  15. 24. A communist kingdom that formed in 1918 that currently consists of 7 different countries where the Serbian forces attacked thousands of Kosovo Albanians.
  16. 25. A deathly plan that killed 13 percent of the population created by the dictator of the USSR during the 1930s, Joseph Stalin, to extract Ukraine’s resources via the fertile farmlands. During this period, Stalin prohibited food, and livestock, consolidated farms, prevented immigration and manipulated citizens into believing that they were greedy via a propaganda campaign.
  17. 27. After the Holocaust, Jewish and Israeli communities were established on Palestinian land.