History Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Walla council/This was a meeting in the Pacific Northwest between the United States and sovereign tribal nations.
  2. 5. Fight!/This was the popular slogan that led Polk to victory
  3. 6. Act of 1889/ This when the United States permitted
  4. 8. Pierre-jean DeSmet/ This person was a Belgium Catholic priest.
  5. 10. that the United states settlers were destined to
  6. 13. of 1818/
  7. 14. War/ This was a conflict between the United States and Yakima.
  8. 16. indigenous and Euro-american ancestry.
  9. 17. across North America.
  10. 18. Clark/ This person was a slaveholder and an american explorer.This person also helped lead the Lewis and Clark expedition
  11. 21. entrance of Montana and Washington
  12. 23. Jacob Astor/ This person was a businessman, and died from the sinking of the Titanic
  13. 25. James Cook/This person was a British explorer,navigator,and captain in the British Royal Navy.
  14. 26. Vancouver/ This was the fur trading post that was the headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company's Columbia Department
  15. 27. Tunnel/ This is a mountain pass in the Northwest of the United States. This pass goes through the Cascade range in Washington
  16. 28. Doctrine/ This was a United states policy that opposed European colonialism in the States.
  1. 1. This person helped the Lewis and Clark Expedition in achieving their objectives by exploring the Louisiana Territory
  2. 3. Migration of 1843/ This is when about 1,000 emigrants left for Oregon.
  3. 4. War/ This was a confrontation in 1859 between the United States and the United Kingdom over the borders on the San Juan Islands.
  4. 7. Controversy / This was an international incident and political dispute between the Spanish Empire, Great Britain, and the United States of America
  5. 8. Clatsop/ This was the encampment of the Lewis and Clark expedition
  6. 9. Destiny/ This was a belief in the 19th century
  7. 11. Vancouver/ This person was a British officer of the Royal Navy in 1791
  8. 12. de Heceta/This person was a Spanish explorer of the Pacific Northwest.
  9. 15. Lewis/ This person is best known for his role as the leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  10. 19. Stevens/ This person was a American Army officer and politician
  11. 20. (people)/ This a person with
  12. 22. Yesler/ This person is regarded as the founder of the city Seattle
  13. 24. Bay Company/ This is a Canadian retail business group, that also trades fur.