History Final Project

  1. 2. / Father of Evolution
  2. 5. Press / New type of press that emerged in the lead up to the Spanish America War
  3. 6. Samoa / South pacific island that was the subject of a dispute between the United States,
  4. 8. / Workers groups that began to form to protect workers rights
  5. 11. / Country that rejected Dollar Diplomacy
  6. 13. during the Spanish American War
  7. 18. / Country located in the Pacific that was occupied by the United States
  8. 24. Destiny / Justification for United States expansion
  9. 25. / Country that gained domestic autonomy in 1867
  10. 26. Canal / Theodore Roosevelt's pet project in Central America
  11. 27. Stick Diplomacy / Name of the type of foreign policy employed by the 26th president
  12. 29. Door Policy / United States policy towards China
  13. 30. / Name of History Teacher
  14. 31. Darwinism / Another justification for United States expansion that used Darwin's principles
  15. 32. / Last name of a news reporter during the Spanish American war, who later became a congressman
  1. 1. Britain / Country with the largest naval presence at the turn of the century
  2. 3. Taft / President who advocated for Dollar Diplomacy
  3. 4. Amendment / Amendment that assured Cuba of its independence
  4. 6. / Form of death of President McKinley
  5. 7. / Country that was subject to a border dispute with Britain, during Grover Cleveland's presidency
  6. 9. / Spanish general who was lampooned by the Yellow Press
  7. 10. / Small island in the Pacific Ocean
  8. 12. League / American group that advocated against United States expansion
  9. 14. / Country that Panama separated from in order to allow the United States to build the canal.
  10. 15. / Period that followed the end of the civil war
  11. 16. Fleet / United States naval force that circumnavigated the world
  12. 17. Hay / Secretary of State under both Roosevelt and McKinley
  13. 19. of Nations / International body created by Woodrow Wilson
  14. 20. / Country west of Spain
  15. 21. / Country in which dollar diplomacy was used
  16. 22. Kingdom, and Germany
  17. 23. Domingo / Country the Roosevelt Corollary was used in first
  18. 24. / Country in which Wilson intervened
  19. 28. / War that started at the end of Wilson presidency