History in the Second World War- Crossword Puzzle #5

  1. 4. This Allied campaign was given the code name of "Operation Baytown."
  2. 8. The sum the instigating country is expected to pay after the war to settle for the other countries losses.
  3. 9. Second World War air campaign waged by the German Luftwaffe against the United Kingdom. This was known as the battle of ________.
  4. 11. Many Germans who were not of Jewish decent disliked the Jewish people because the were not impacted by the _____________ the way others were due to their immense wealth. Jewish citizens reaped off the labor of many Germans which escalated into Antisemitism..
  5. 14. A citizen who flees their own country because the do not like the countries government.
  6. 16. The treaty of ____________ was a treaty that Germany signed in order to surrender the first World War. It was also condemned to be the reason for World War 2.
  7. 17. The full length of the second World War was ____ years.
  8. 19. The original name for SONAR.
  1. 1. Hitler believed that the ________ race was superior.
  2. 2. The soldiers, machines, and ships that are used to make war.
  3. 3. Being less worthy in all ways than someone else.
  4. 5. The leader of Germany who is responsible for making all laws.
  5. 6. A person who believed that war is unnecessary and is not the ultimate solution.
  6. 7. Name for an airborne infantry soldier, used in the battle of Normandy.
  7. 10. A person who believes that property and business are owned by the community or government rather than the people.
  8. 12. The battle between German submarines and Canadian-British convoys took place in the battle of the North _________.
  9. 13. A series of laws that were passed by the Canadian government that allowed the government to do many special things in benefit of winning the war. This is known as the War _____________ Act.
  10. 15. The allied revenge on Germany for the battle of Britain is known as the bombing of _________. During the days of this bombing, large cities were targeted as well an industries producing war supplies.
  11. 18. Many believed in Hitlers dream of a third _______ because he claimed it would bring Germany back to superiority.
  12. 20. This battle, was the Japanese attack on the British Crown Colony of Hong ______.