- 1. (3 words)founded quebec city and new france
- 7. first colonized st. johns nefoundland
- 9. prarie peoples primary food source while traveling
- 11. (2 words) discoverd a "new world
- 13. water transportation used by inigenous people
- 16. (3 words) a route to asia
- 17. exchanging of goods
- 2. changing your atributes from different enviorment
- 3. (2 words) discovered Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island
- 4. hundred years
- 5. first colonized royal new france
- 6. large chunk of ice
- 8. smaller terrioes owned by countries
- 10. aritc homes
- 12. primary food for settlers
- 14. non permenant residency
- 15. first peoples of the land