History of Health Science

  1. 1. god of medicine
  2. 4. started the hand-washing trend
  3. 7. Discovered the smallpox vaccine
  4. 9. believed diet and _______ could prevent disease
  5. 10. Clara Barton founded the American ________
  6. 14. Invented the first bifocals
  7. 17. used to cure/vaccinate from smallpox
  8. 18. started the use of acupuncture
  9. 19. discovered the polio vaccine with his partner Sabin
  10. 21. the lady with the lamp
  1. 2. discovered subconscious and conscious
  2. 3. used for blood flow and to prevent tissue death
  3. 5. Invented X-rays
  4. 6. used to treat diabetes
  5. 8. the first stethescope was made of ____
  6. 11. Invented the stethescope
  7. 12. volunteer civil war nurse
  8. 13. Ben Franklin discovered colds are ___________
  9. 15. earliest records of health science
  10. 16. how many days to complete the embalming process?
  11. 20. symptoms and dangers of______poison